Deutsche Fassung in Arbeit

The AV-Zentrum (AVZ), which was active until February 2017, was established in the year 2000 by Dekan o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Römer, when the Faculty was the Geisteswissenschaftliche Fakultät and comprised of both historical and philological departments.

From its inception the AVZ served the Faculty and enjoined in projects with universities and their scholars in Austria and beyond.

The main focus was on audio production, at a professional level, and the AVZ prided itself on having produced many resources that were represented in international publications and broadcasts.

While other AV units in the Faculty have focussed on scientific research into audio, into video and film techniques for theater, film and media, and in the cultivation of outside recording and broadcast as an academic discipline, AVZ focussed on creating primary resources for scholarship, as well as assisting research projects in making AV data that were “intelligible, compressible and effortless for citation.”

It was a belief of the AVZ that the university is the most successful model of tertiary education because it not only practices die Wissensrezeption, the reception of knowledge, but also die Wissensproduktion, the production of knowledge. This makes its knowledge that of the present and future, as well as the past. Thesis, doctorate and post doc are steps to authorship. The main medium of die Wissensproduktion is text. But if the university is to be true to its motto of knowledge production, it must surely extend its research and authorial skills to audio and video, the media of the digital age. The Faculty’s AV experts endeavoured to show that Vienna University is rising to the challenge.

As with other university centres, the AVZ strove to implement the guidelines in the Rektor’s Leistungsvereinbarung 2016-2018. AVZ had a commitment to „Diversitätsmanagement und insbesondere ein Fokus auf Gleichstellung der Geschlechter„ (p.9), since the Centre long had an emphasis on female creativity. It supported scholars with Migrationshintergrund (p.10). It also saw itself as part of the University’s concerns with Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit. (p. 10), through radio broadcasts and so forth. It was keen to implement the goals of stärkere Kooperation mit der Wirtschaft. (p.9), and had GTIN and EORI numbers to enable university productions to connect with the commercial world as global trade regulations demand.

Die Bedeutung von AV-Arbeitsdateien für die kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung